About This Game Narrative-adventure playing an Agent of Death who must take ONE life that could change the fate of a conflict-torn Nation!Think The Walking Dead meets Home and The Last Express, with a dash of To The Moon!Freeform exploration with Rich dialogueWhat might you learn searching the fundraising Gala and talking to patrons? Perhaps the less you know the better?Meaningful choices and Unintended ConsequencesCan your choice change the fate of a Nation? What other result could your meddling have?Cast of ambitious and influential charactersWhat if they die? More importantly... what if they live?Complex setting of violent domestic conflict and industrial revolutionA devastated country - but is it your place to fix it? What if your educated guess is wrong?Dynamic and surprising EndingThe choice is *entirely* up to you - but what other factors may be affecting the outcome?Online Stats to compare Your Choices withAnonymous aggregate stats of everyone's playthroughs will let you see how your own choices compare! Are you one of the good guys?Free VersionThe basic game, without the extra character and bonus materials, is also available for free from our Official Website! 7aa9394dea Title: Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut)Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Unbound CreationsPublisher:Unbound CreationsRelease Date: 15 Aug, 2013 Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut) Free Download [portable] postmortem one must die (extended cut) One of the worst games I have played. Out of the 45 minutes I played, 43 was just reading. Extremely boring and not much to do in the game. You talk to the people and look around the place, then decide to kill one of them. That's it. Do not waste your time on this game.. This game is incredibly short, but despite that manages to touch on many subjects. You play as death and need to choose one person to die this night. It is possibel to choose at random, but if you explore the house and talk to people, you will discover that each death will have dramatic consequences. I've only played once, but definitely will play again to see what happens. It is obvious that in real world there is never a 'best' path to follow, but this game lets you feel that even more deeply.. This game had a lot of potential, but ends up having a terrible case of tell-don't-show, with long pages of dense text that aren't particularly interesting. Postermortem is also incredibly short, even after multiple playthroughs, and with no investment in the characters or story there's just nothing to recommend it.. Totally not worth it, the game tries to build up the atmosphere with poorly written walls of text, just to abruptly end. There's just that single level and that's it (fine, you can replay it for several different endings, but it's still just one level). I recommend Dysfunctional Systems: Managing Chaos any day over this. If you want the political atmosphere, go for Papers, Please!. Even though I enjoy games where there are lots of dialogue options (that can actually bring different consequences), somehow I didn't enjoy when it comes to this game.Story is tiresome, characters still look pretty generic and the game is pretty short (10 minutes is enough to speak with everyone).Forgettable experience, even for a cheap game.. A really interesting consept pulled off rather well. You're death and you've got a job to do, a simple enough concept. Lots of reading, so if you're not into reading, this isn't for you. My one complaint is I would really like to see more levels, as there is only the one. If they expanded this a bit more, added a few levels, this game would be way better then it already is.. Interesting concept and setting. The characters felt real enough and it felt like the dialogue options gave me enough room to argue for different sides. But there really is not all that much content in the game. There are six characters that you can talk to in a very small map and it is not all that impressive. The idea is very interesting and the setting is nice but it could have been much more than it is.I would guess that most people are going to be done with the game in under an hour. Those who are really interesting in seeing all the different sides and endings might get a hour or two more out of the game. If that is worth the money is up to you.I did like the character art by the way. Pre-order our next game, get an extra Postmortem key!: Comrades! Our game is releasing this February so we began the Pre-Orders![karaski.com] If you support us now, we will send you a free Steam Key for Postmortem as a little Thank You! And if we can start pooling some good cash quickly, we might be able to get started on Translations a bit earlier :)CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER![karaski.com]. Haaaave you tried our newer games?: We've been getting some new views lately - thanks for checking Postmortem out :) If you like games with moral dilemmas and believable settings, you should check out our latest (bigger and improved) game!Headliner: NoviNews is a "Papers, Please meets Oxenfree meets visual novel" where YOU are a news editor. Decide which articles to publish and watch as the city changes day by day. Shape the lives of four main characters through media. Before you start you can see the previous player’s ending, and share your own story at the end.https://store.steampowered.com/app/918820/Headliner_NoviNews/. Karaski DevBlog #9: Game Story, Plot Items, and Quest System: I have finally started integrating the main plot via in-game story, plot items, and a quest system that tries something new..Click Here to read more and see new screenshots![koobazaur.com]. Next Game Coming Soon!: Hello fellow Grim Reapers! If you're looking for more rich worlds and interesting characters whose lives you can better (or ruin!), our next game is coming soon! Check the Steam page and add to wishlist :DHEADLINER is a short media bias adventure where YOU control national news and its impact on your career, society, and family. Control the News, control the Truth. Share your story, and see what the Headliner before you did.And the first HEADLINER is already available here for mere $2.99!. DevBlog #8: Infiltration Gameplay, Vent Shafts and Player Movement: This week developing my second indie game was all about the mechanics and tools of infiltration, tampering with the game world to open new pathways.Click Here to read more and see new screenshots![koobazaur.com]. DevBlog #2: Social Stealth, Trespassing, Lightmaps and potplants!: This week of gamedev brought the concept of illegal behaviors and suspicion into my game, as well as some graphical tweaks and models!Click Here to read more and see screenshots![koobazaur.com]. Steam Keys for those who already bought Postmortem: Hello All!First of all THANK YOU for all your support, Postmortem's finally on Steam :D. Postmortem Now just $2.99 - Happy Anniversary!: Celebrating our recent Anniversary with a permanent 50% PRICE CUT! Postmortem only $2.99 henceforth! Go take some lives :). Steam Keys are Up for previous buyers!: As promised, Steam Keys are now available those who already bought Postmortem!
Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut) Free Download [portable]
Updated: Nov 29, 2020